1. The tallest Redwood in Mendocino County is located where?
(fill in with an X)
( ) a. Usal |
( ) b. Hendy Woods State Park |
( ) c. Montgomery Woods State Preserve |
2. Name the bird with the longest wingspan in the Albion River ecosystem?
3. How many miles up the Albion River is the tidal influence? (fill in with an X)
( ) a. 10 |
( ) b. 5 |
( ) c. 15 |
4. What 1991 novel describes the Albion Grocery, the Albion River and Albion River Campground? (fill in with an X)
( ) a. Lesbian Liberation in Nor-Cal |
( ) b. The Paper Grail |
( ) c. The Olde Redwood Bridge |
5. Name the 2 logging roads that border F.O.E.M sanctuary land
6. How many houseboats are on the Albion River?
7. Approx. how long is the Albion River?
(fill in with an X)
( ) a. 9 miles |
( ) b. 13 miles |
( ) c. 18 miles |
( ) d. 25 miles |
8. Which college owns a field station on the Albion River?
(fill in with an X)
( ) a. College of the Redwoods
( ) b. Pacific Union College
( ) c. Cannabis College of Oakland
( ) d. College of the Deadwoods
9. What year was the Albion River Railroad constructed?
(fill in with an X)
( ) a. 1854 |
( ) b. 1880 |
( ) c. 1888 |
10. Who was the first cartographer to map the Mendocino Coast?
11. In what year was the Mendocino Redwood Company founded?
12. What corporation built the last logging road in the Enchanted Meadow area?
(fill in with an X)
( ) a. Masonite |
( ) b. Mendocino Redwood Company |
( ) c. Louisiana Pacific |
13. GREENPATH - "Elizabeth's Trail" traverses what two biodiversity zones?
(fill in with an X)
( ) a. transitional Pygmy and Redwood forest |
( ) b. Pygmy and transitional Pygmy |
( ) c. Redwood forest and wetlands |
( ) d. wetlands and estuarine river |
14. What Pirate movie Was filmed on the Albion River?
15. What forest critter would come in last in a foot race?
(fill in with an X)
( ) a. Chipmunk |
( ) b. Squirrel |
( ) c. Red Tree Vole |
16. What became of the pirate ship used in the filming of the movie?
(fill in with an X)
( ) a. scuttled in Albion Harbor
( ) b. salvaged for wood
( ) c. set ablaze to dissuade squatters |
17. What 2 counties does the MRC operate in?
(fill in with an X)
( ) a. Humboldt |
( ) b. Mendocino |
( ) c. Lake |
( ) d. Sonoma |
18. Alaska is the largest forestland state in the U.S., which is the second?
19. Albion is the ancient name for what country?
20. What year did the Mendocino County Superior Court grant MRC a motion dissolving the permanent injunction protecting the Enchanted Meadow THPs that had been in place since 1998?
(fill in with an X)
( ) a. 2000 |
( ) b. 2008 |
( ) c. 2012 |
Send Numbered Answers via email to:
info@friendsofenchantedmeadow.org |