The Albert Cattalini Conservancy is a GREENLINK corridor joining Raven's Call and the Enchanted Meadow Wetlands Sanctuary.
The Albert Cattalini Conservancy ACC is unique in its
relationship to the Albion River's Enchanted Meadow Wetlands Sanctuary
and Ravens' Call. Sandwiched
between Ravens' Call and Half Moon Trestle, it provides a natural transition from river bottom wetland to shaded up slope forest sanctuary, Ravens' Call & adjacent Deadman's Gulch.
Deadman's Creek flows strongly all year through
Deadman's Gulch, the ACC and into the adjacent wetlands at Half Moon
Trestle. Seasonal subterranean T'ocha Creek, springs from Ravens' Call south
into Deadman's Creek at the ACC's northeast corner. The ACC is a ten acre riparian
corridor 300 feet wide, lush with aquatic plants, grasses,
ferns, thimble berries and wild ginger. Near the wetlands Alder trees grow
thickly along the creek. Moving upstream mature Redwood and Fir
dominate the remaining corridor.
Historical remnants of the logging heyday are seen in the photo at right. Weathered, wooden posts once supporting the train trestle at Deadman's Curve, they remain and stand as a silent reminder to the past.
Today we have adopted Dr. Donald Hemphill's usage in referencing this place, Half Moon Trestle. Dr. Hemphill was a zoologist who studied this area for over forty years and his declaration to the Court in 1989 was instrumental in stopping the clear cutting and destruction of the Enchanted Meadow environs.