Friends of Enchanted Meadow
About Us

Friends of Enchanted Meadow is a CA 501c3 formed in 2002.
Our history of environmental litigation to stop clear cutting and protect endangered wildlife began in 1989
and continues when needed. Our work protects forest and wetland ecosystems adjacent
to the Albion River in Mendocino County, and has deemed the public's voice mandatory
in the state governed Timber Harvest Plan process.

South towards Railroad Gulch
Without FOEM's protection the Enchanted Meadow wetlands ecosystem would have been destroyed.

FOEM founded, owns and stewards three nature preserves, the Enchanted Meadow Wetlands Sanctuary, Ravens' Call and the Albert Cattalini Conservancy.  
Our current mission is the dedication of Elizabeth's Trail. Most importantly a legal defense team is needed to protect our sanctuary areas from adjacent logging by the Mendocino Redwood Company.

a forest is the Christmas tree

The Enchanted Meadow Wetlands Sanctuary, Ravens' Call and the
Albert Cattalini Conservancy
are home to Federal and State listed Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive wildlife:

Great Blue Heron, Osprey, California Red Legged Frog, Purple Martin, Northern Spotted Owl,
Olympic Salamander, California Red Tree Vole and Coho Salmon reside in the Enchanted Meadow environs. 

To contribute click the Donate button below.
Your contribution insures protection for Enchanted Meadow environs.


Mail your contribution, which is tax deductible to:
Friends of Enchanted Meadow / P.O. Box 271 - Little River, CA 95456

To contact us by email:

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